The Disruption of Moving and Milk Braised Pork Roast Recipe

3-14-16 was my last blog post. It was Pi day, and I made cake. It was also the day that a multitude of stupid little things when wrong, making me miss an important appointment, and making it necessary to make chocolate cake.

Where have I been since then? The tenth circle of hell, also known as the place where you go when you decide to sell you house and move. Luckily, it was merely a temporary hell and we are back to the land of the living. We put our house on the market in mid-March, totally disrupting life as we know it - not to mentioned school. I have gotten far behind in my course over at, hence the lack of posts.

We have just settled down the past couple weeks and slowly returning to normal. The new apartment is awesome - we have a park in our back yard!

Now, I need to catch up on cooking.

This week I made Milk-Braised Pork Roast. But I did not take a photo....hence the photo of of pre-potroast hog above. OMG stands for O Melting Goodness in my mouth.!This was really an easy dish - it just took some time in the oven and some tending to...turning every 30 minutes for 3 hours.

Once it was done, I pulled the pork, reduced the sauce, put the meat back in to simmer and served it over noodles. Dang. Good. Comfort food.


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