It All Meant That I Needed to Make Chocolate Cake

This is not part of the Rouxbe curriculum, but is one of my go-to recipes. Super easy and super yummy. Today was a good day for a warm little chocolate cake.

I dropped Ellie off for a grooming appointment at 11:00, and was prepared to pick her up at 2:00. I had an appointment in Fall City at 4:00. They are opposite directions. Her appointment ran an hour late. I got stuck in traffic on the way over. On the way home I stopped for gas, and the pump at the first station didn't work. I stopped at another station a couple miles down the road. The guy in front of me pulled into the bay on the side that I needed and instead of pulling forward he backed up, forcing me to perform a 5 point turn to get over to the other pump, and then when I got out, I stepped in a puddle of gas. It was all over the bottom of my shoes and I tracked it in the car. As I drove away, the odor was so bad, I realized there was no way I could drive for 1/2 hour smelling gas, nor could I walk into someone's office trailing gas fumes. I cancelled my appointment and headed home.

The good news, I have an extra hour! And I'm making Moelleux au Chocolat! My day improved immensely. This cake is rich and dense and not too sweet. Best eaten warm. Ice cream is also not a bad idea. And I would use mini ramekins, because, it's just that decadent.


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