Full Steam Ahead, But Just Not So Much
I've been steaming my veggies for way too long. They would always turn out mushy and bland.
This week I have steamed broccoli, potatoes, and carrots. The secret is steam to cook till just tender, then add flavor. The Big Broccoli Steam test involved steaming broccoli at 1 minute, 2 minute, and 4 minute intervals. I could not believe how perfect the 4 minutes broccoli turned out - it was sweet and tender.
Potatoes cooked to perfection in 20 minutes. I cooked them whole, unpeeled. Afterward to flavor them, I cut them into quarters and added some olive oil, cooked crumbled bacon, oregano and salt. The other batch I sauteed some garlic in olive oil, then added chopped green onions and parsley.