Hitting the Wall

Yesterday I hit the wall. It was a very long day of photo reviews, graphic design projects, and cooking homework...plus making dinner, walking the dog, and various errands. It did not help that I woke at 4AM from the most bizarre dream:

I had just gotten into bed (in my dream) and was settling in to sleep when George Bush Sr.  barged into the room and threw toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste on the bed demanded, "Here, give these to those boys." and turns to leave. "Exactly which boys are you referring to?", I replied hotly. 
"You know - those boys" 
"By 'those boys', do mean your own sons?!" I yelled incredulously. 
"You know which boys I refer to. Make sure they get this -- I'm going to the country." 
Well, I went ape-shit on Senior's ass, yelling at him that he should take care of his own sons and where did he get off telling me to take care of a bunch of kids I didn't even know? And then I threw the toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes at him, yelling like a banshee, and MAN did that feel good! You know sometimes in your dreams you try to run away or hit someone, but you can't seem to do it because your arms are all weak or your legs won't work, well, I was throwing like Randy Johnson and making contact. George Senior got seriously hurt by flying dental products and he fled the scene.

I woke with a start, heart pounding, too mad to get back to sleep. I got up and, well, not sure what I did for a couple of hours before hitting the keyboard at 6:00. I reviewed photos till noon, and then worked on a book cover project, full steam ahead until 6PM. And then I had cooking homework and dinner to prepare. Dinner took more time than anticipated..the shrimp were not peeled or deveined, and then I thought it would be a good idea to make a sauce from scratch. (The sauce was really good, starting with sautéing the shrimp shells, deglazing with white wine, then adding onion, celery, chicken stock, and saffron.) But it turned out to be too much...my brain could not handle the multi-tasking.

My homework was to make roasted eggplant, which was pretty simple,  but I put WAY too much salt on it and it was inedible. And then there was clean up from homework and at 7PM I hit the couch with a plate of food and a glass of wine and an aching body.

The shrimp pasta was really good, but I forgot to take a photo... so instead, you get to see the Failed Eggplant. 

And that night,  I decided that weekday dinner was going have to be a simpler affair. No sauce-from-scratch, no new recipes, nothing complicated. Pace yourself.


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