Perfecting the Soft-Bolied Egg

I have made scrambled, basted, and poached eggs so far. Omelettes and frittatas are coming up soon. But today, a simple soft boiled egg.  OK - now that I look at this photo, it looks like some strange frilly-nosed dragon with yellow googley eyes. But, ignore that first impression and come closer. Those yellow eyes - a warm soft-boiled egg  atop fresh asparagus topped with toasted pine nuts, shaved parmesan cheese, and a basil gremolata. I boiled the asparagus but I think roasting or grilling would make more sense to give some intensity and texture.

The gremolata was pretty garlicky and kind of took over the dish. As much as I like garlic, I'd tame it down a bit. I also might toast the pumpkin seeds with paprika, for a little spicy bite.  


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